Blog Memes

Can’t Wait Wednesday: Look in the Mirror

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released.

Look in the Mirror by Catherine Steadman

Adult, Thriller, Standalone

eBook, Hardcover, Audiobook, 320 Pages

July 30, 2024 by Ballantine Books


Nina, still grieving from the loss of her father, discovers that she has inherited property in the British Virgin Islands—a vacation home she had no idea existed, until now. The house is extraordinary: state-of-the-art, all glass and marble. How did her sensible father come into enough money for this? Why did he keep it from her? And what else was he hiding?

Maria, once an ambitious medical student, is a nanny for the super-rich. The money’s better, and so are the destinations where her work takes her. Just one more gig, and she’ll be set. Finally, she’ll be secure. But when her wards never show, Maria begins to make herself at home, spending her days luxuriating by the pool and in the sauna. There’s just one rule: Don’t go in the basement. That room is off-limits. But her curiosity might just get the better of her. And soon, she’ll wish her only worry was not getting paid.

Why I Want to Read This Book:

I enjoyed the last book I read by this author, The Family Game and can’t wait to read more. I always enjoy books where the main character receives an inheritance that seems too good to be true and this one definitely sounds in that vein. I am wondering how the nanny fits in. We’ll have to see!

Will you be checking this book out? What upcoming releases are you looking forward to?

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