Blog Memes

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

#IMWAYR is a weekly meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn at The Book Date.

Hey Book Blogger Friends! It’s been a minute. I’ve been trying to balance work, writing, blogging, traveling, and prepping to have gall bladder surgery (today in fact) and I had to take a step away. But I’m slowly easing back into blogging…

Last Reads:

Echoes of You by Catherine Cowles

I’ve read and loved other books in this series but I hated this one. The abusive ex storyline completely overshadows the romance storyline of friends-to-lovers.

Currently Reading:

Glimmers of You by Catherine Cowles

I did continue with the series and I’m liking this one so far.

The Lady Elizabeth by Alison Weir

This audiobook has been dragging. Although I loved the Six Tudor Queens books by this author, I won’t be reading the second book in this duology and I decided to cancel my pre-order of the Mary I audiobook after hearing mixed reviews on that as well.

Next Reads:

Ashes of You by Catherine Cowles

I’ve come this far, I may as well finish out the series (I read Shadows of You, Book 4, first so I’ve been reading out of order).

Murder Road by Simone St. James

This one has been on my TBR since it released and I can’t wait to dig into the audiobook.

What are you reading this week? Are there any books about the Tudors you would recommend to me? (not by Phillipa Gregory) I’ve been on a Tudor kick this year.

2 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?

  1. Nice looking assortment of books. I’m sorry you hit one in a series that wasn’t good. Come see my week here. Happy reading!


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